Tip #1 Staying Stress Free through the Holidays!

Christmas is only one month away. When I was a child I would count the sleeps until Christmas. Who am I kidding, I still do! I find it a joyous time of celebration and family and yet I see so many around me in overwhelm and stress. Does this sound like you at times? Do you need some tips for staying stress free over the holidays? Wouldn’t it be awesome to wake up every morning for the next month stress free and happy?

How can you create that in your life? Starting today, one month before Christmas, I’m asking you, what do you do, that keeps you happy and stress-free? What amazing ideas do you have to share with others looking for a little extra happiness?

To start us off, here is one tip:

1. Spend a moment in gratitude.

When you rise in the morning, before you jump out of bed and again before you hit the sheets each and every day, pause for a moment of gratitude. What do you have to be grateful for today? What are you grateful for right now?

Just a few moments of being grateful each and every day will change your mood for the day and bring you back to a place of calm before going to sleep.

What are you grateful for? Now it is your turn, post your tips for and share in creating a stress-free life. What melts your stress away?