Do you want to look back on summer in September and say WHAT AN AWESOME SUMMER THAT WAS?
Many of us find ourselves in September noticing how fast summer has flown by, we are full into the business of getting our children all set up for a successful school year and their fall sports. Maybe you don’t have children but find you keep yourself so busy through the summer you don’t know where it’s gone when fall comes.
We can stay on top of it all AND have a kid-filled summer too, by following these three simple strategies:
1. Practice being present
It is a present to be present in the present.
Let’s break that down a little. It is a present, it is a gift, to stop and breathe in the joy of the moment. How many mothers or fathers can attest to being fully present at their child’s birth? Nothing took your attention away. Every little moment, every second you were fully present. That was a gift you gave yourself and your child. It was a gift you never had to TRY to do, because you just did it. You have greatness within you, just reach in and grab it.
2. Focus on what you want
Stop trying, start being, start doing.
Keep it simple and focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. If you focus on what you don’t want you are sure to get it. Be careful of the stories you tell yourself, for they become true for you. Recently, I had a conversation with my mom:
Mom: I can’t find that document the government sent me. You know, when I put it there I was saying to myself, I’m not going to remember where I put this.
Me: (laughing out loud) Mom I told you, your mind is so powerful, why did you say that to yourself?
Mom: (also laughing really hard now) I know, why did I say that.
Do you want to have an joyous and relaxed summer? Do exactly that. Drive to work, smiling and happy, drive home from work smiling and happy. Put some music on and dance with your children. Dance with your spouse. Stop complaining about the weather, enjoy each part of it. Enjoy it when it’s windy, enjoy it when it’s rainy and enjoy it when it’s sweltering hot. All are parts of what make our summer complete.
3. Recess!!!!!
When the recess bell rings, have you ever heard a child say, “I’ve got to do ________ before I can go outside? Make a recess bell for your home. When that bell rings, STOP whatever you are doing and play for 15 minutes. Trust me, whatever you are doing will be there when you return. Trust me, you will be happier completing whatever task you were working on when you actually listen to the bell.
Forgive yourself quickly. We are all having human experiences but that does not mean we need to dwell on those experiences. Continually re-align with what it is you want and take actions accordingly. Create a joyous and fun family filled summer.
Watch the August issue for three more simple strategies.