Pure, raw and unedited. Today’s perspective on constants like Pi. A short audio, a little longer than 3.14: More info on Pi for the non-mathematical http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi_Day
Tip #3 Staying Stress Free through the Holidays!
3) Ask. Powerful and Wise People Ask for Help Whatever you have put on your to-do list for the day, reduce it. How can this be, it all needs to…
Tip #2 Staying Stress Free through the Holidays!
Here is another, what does this spark inside you? Where do you go to laugh? What has laughter done for you lately? 2) Laugh like a child. Big belly laughs…
Tip #1 Staying Stress Free through the Holidays!
Christmas is only one month away. When I was a child I would count the sleeps until Christmas. Who am I kidding, I still do! I find it a joyous…
Fav Quotes
Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. –Confucius The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach…
Striving for Perfection, Consciously or Unconsciously
Perfect, what is perfect anyway. I have realized over and over again, when I fall into a state of overwhelm, I am usually trying to make everything I am doing…