Pi Day 2016 – What’s your “pi”?

This is what happens when an Electronic Systems Engineer becomes a Happiness Coach. (my biggest career transition). This kind of awesomeness get’s created. The essence of this message rings true today (4 years after I made this raw & unedited recording).

Some questions within this audio will activate your “pi”, your unique self. I invite you to have a listen (or read below) and please share what was activated within you (what did you learn about your constant?)

Share on Facebook or twitter or with your loved ones. You see this is just the beginning of a discussion. Let yourself be activated.

Below is the transcript of the audio recorded 2012-March-14.

note: (words in parenthesis have been added to add clarity for the reader)

Hello and Happy Pi-Day (? Day)!

So I just found out that today is Pi-Day, March 14

the third month

the 14th day


and many of you might know Pi is a constant.

Many of you might not know that, I wouldn’t say I’m a former math nerd, I still like my Pi and my constants and the goodness that math allows us.

What I notice about Pi is… it is a constant… it’s a constant and from that constant you can calculate many things.

You can calculate the circumference of circle.

Think about that and think about your whole life.

If you were to look and put your whole life in a circle, what would be in your pie?

Maybe a piece of your career is a a piece of your pie?

Your relationship is a piece of your pie.

What’s in your piece of the pie? and at the same time, the same time I look at what’s your constant?

What I mean by that is…

What are your values? What has to change to make your pie bigger?

You are unique.

You are the constant.

What you bring to it (it being your life) your values, your beliefs, thinking, your actions that’s what changes the outcome… because you are unique.

There’s only one you and you are a perfect design.
When you can get clear and really own yourself, that constant of who you are and who you were created to

be, then and only then can you become alive. You can create a bigger circle because the constant doesn’t change.

The radius, the radius changes. The amount of light that you let shine on your life and I say, let shine on your life, that can change, that is variable…

and the constant is YOU.

you are a unique design – created – no other alike

What my question for you today is… what qualities are unique to you? OWN IT. Stake your claim for a bigger circle, living a bigger life.

That’s all from Lomenda Energy, Carla Lomenda signing off. Have a wonderful wonderful day!

Photo Credit Dan Heatherly